
期刊: 现代物理进展 DOI: PDF下载




物理学是一门令人激动的、有活力的、向新的方向持续发展的学科,“大学物理学”是国内外大学中非常重要的一门课程。通过多年的“非物理专业学生”物理教学实践与研究,笔者认为:非物理专业的学生学习物理学应注重应用性,教学中要重视思维方式、研究方法和知识运用等方面的训练,培养学生综合创新能力,提高学生科学素养。培养学生提出问题、分析和解决问题的能力,并对其以后的专业甚至职业产生影响。不能用物理系的教学模式去教“非物理专业”的学生。“大学物理学”课程应该与专业相结合,其内容必须保持一个基本体系,物理学中的哲学等文化的学习与物理知识本身的学习都相当重要。教学与科研二者并重、互相促进,培养学生的思辨表达能力,对学生进行科学思维训练等。 Physics is an exciting, dynamic, to the new direction of continuous development of the discipline, “university physics” is a very important course in universities at home and abroad. Through many years of physics teaching practice and research of “non-physics major students”, the author thinks that non-physics major students should pay attention to the application of physics, and pay attention to the training of thinking mode, research method and knowledge application in teaching, so as to cultivate students’ comprehensive innovation ability and improve their scientific accomplishment. Develop students’ ability to ask questions, analyze and solve problems, and influence their future majors and even careers. The teaching mode of physics department cannot be used to teach “non-physics major” students. The curriculum of “university physics” should be combined with the major, and its content must maintain a basic system. The study of philosophy and other cultures in physics and the study of physical knowledge itself are quite important. Teaching and scientific research should pay equal attention to each other, promote each other, train students’ ability of thinking and expression, and train students’ scientific thinking.




  • 物理学是一门令人激动的、有活力的、向新的方向持续发展的学科,“大学物理学”是国内外大学中非常重要的一门课程。通过多年的“非物理专业学生”物理教学实践与研究,笔者认为:非物理专业的学生学习物理学应注重应用性,教学中要重视思维方式、研究方法和知识运用等方面的训练,培养学生综合创新能力,提高学生科学素养。培养学生提出问题、分析和解决问题的能力,并对其以后的专业甚至职业产生影响。不能用物理系的教学模式去教“非物理专业”的学生。“大学物理学”课程应该与专业相结合,其内容必须保持一个基本体系,物理学中的哲学等文化的学习与物理知识本身的学习都相当重要。教学与科研二者并重、互相促进,培养学生的思辨表达能力,对学生进行科学思维训练等。

  • Physics is an exciting, dynamic, to the new direction of continuous development of the discipline, “university physics” is a very important course in universities at home and abroad. Through many years of physics teaching practice and research of “non-physics major students”, the author thinks that non-physics major students should pay attention to the application of physics, and pay attention to the training of thinking mode, research method and knowledge application in teaching, so as to cultivate students’ comprehensive innovation ability and improve their scientific accomplishment. Develop students’ ability to ask questions, analyze and solve problems, and influence their future majors and even careers. The teaching mode of physics department cannot be used to teach “non-physics major” students. The curriculum of “university physics” should be combined with the major, and its content must maintain a basic system. The study of philosophy and other cultures in physics and the study of physical knowledge itself are quite important. Teaching and scientific research should pay equal attention to each other, promote each other, train students’ ability of thinking and expression, and train students’ scientific thinking.

