
期刊: 环境与资源 DOI: PDF下载




从改革开放以来,我国城市化的速度势如破竹,一路高歌猛进,大量的人涌入城市,带来的是住房需求的增加,城市建房必然会占用土地,致使土地数量急剧下降,同时工业的发展也对土地的质量产生进一步影响,对此,为平衡发展与保护的关系,国家采取了一系列措施,进一步出台和完善了一些法规,对于土地的保护起到了一定的作用,但是依旧存在一些问题亟需解决。本文结合当下背景,对我国土地保护的现状进行了探究,然后给出了一些建议,希望能够帮助我国进一步完善土地保护措施。 Since the reform and opening up, the urbanization speed of our country has been advancing rapidly and by all the means, a large number of people are crowding into the city, which will bring about an increase in housing demand. The urban housing will inevitably occupy land and cause the quantity of land to decrease sharply while the development of industry also further affects the quality of the land. In this regard, in order to balance the relationship between development and protection, the state has taken a series of measures. Some laws and regulations have been further introduced and improved, which have played a certain role in land protection, but there are still some problems that need to be solved urgently. This paper explores the current situation of land protection and then gives some suggestions. It hopes to help our country further perfect land protection.




  • 从改革开放以来,我国城市化的速度势如破竹,一路高歌猛进,大量的人涌入城市,带来的是住房需求的增加,城市建房必然会占用土地,致使土地数量急剧下降,同时工业的发展也对土地的质量产生进一步影响,对此,为平衡发展与保护的关系,国家采取了一系列措施,进一步出台和完善了一些法规,对于土地的保护起到了一定的作用,但是依旧存在一些问题亟需解决。本文结合当下背景,对我国土地保护的现状进行了探究,然后给出了一些建议,希望能够帮助我国进一步完善土地保护措施。

  • Since the reform and opening up, the urbanization speed of our country has been advancing rapidly and by all the means, a large number of people are crowding into the city, which will bring about an increase in housing demand. The urban housing will inevitably occupy land and cause the quantity of land to decrease sharply while the development of industry also further affects the quality of the land. In this regard, in order to balance the relationship between development and protection, the state has taken a series of measures. Some laws and regulations have been further introduced and improved, which have played a certain role in land protection, but there are still some problems that need to be solved urgently. This paper explores the current situation of land protection and then gives some suggestions. It hopes to help our country further perfect land protection.

