
期刊: 石油工程 DOI: PDF下载




随着我国石油工程快速发展的同时,在公共安全方面也迎来了挑战。自然灾害、公共卫生以及管理等等方面的公共安全风险情况存在,严重影响了我国石油工程的开采质量以及长远的稳健发展。因此,做好对石油工程公共安全风险的语境方法研究,并采取相应有效地措施来合理规避减少石油工程公共安全风险,是十分有必要的。本文主要从自然灾害、公共卫生、事故情况、综合管理这四个方面对我国石油工程公共安全风险现状进行分析探讨,并提出一种操作性和合理性强的公共安全风险预警方法,仅供相关人士参考。 With the rapid development of China's petroleum engineering, there are also challenges in public safety. Natural disasters, public health and management and other aspects of public safety risks exist, which seriously affect the quality of China's petroleum engineering production and long-term stable development. Therefore, it is very necessary to do a good job in the context of petroleum engineering public security risks, and take corresponding effective measures to reasonably avoid and reduce the risk of petroleum engineering public safety. This paper mainly analyzes and discusses the current situation of public safety risks in petroleum engineering in China from four aspects of natural disasters, public health, accident situation and comprehensive management, and puts forward a public safety risk early warning method with strong operability and rationality, which is only for the reference of relevant people.




  • 随着我国石油工程快速发展的同时,在公共安全方面也迎来了挑战。自然灾害、公共卫生以及管理等等方面的公共安全风险情况存在,严重影响了我国石油工程的开采质量以及长远的稳健发展。因此,做好对石油工程公共安全风险的语境方法研究,并采取相应有效地措施来合理规避减少石油工程公共安全风险,是十分有必要的。本文主要从自然灾害、公共卫生、事故情况、综合管理这四个方面对我国石油工程公共安全风险现状进行分析探讨,并提出一种操作性和合理性强的公共安全风险预警方法,仅供相关人士参考。

  • With the rapid development of China's petroleum engineering, there are also challenges in public safety. Natural disasters, public health and management and other aspects of public safety risks exist, which seriously affect the quality of China's petroleum engineering production and long-term stable development. Therefore, it is very necessary to do a good job in the context of petroleum engineering public security risks, and take corresponding effective measures to reasonably avoid and reduce the risk of petroleum engineering public safety. This paper mainly analyzes and discusses the current situation of public safety risks in petroleum engineering in China from four aspects of natural disasters, public health, accident situation and comprehensive management, and puts forward a public safety risk early warning method with strong operability and rationality, which is only for the reference of relevant people.

