



作者: 黄卫东 / / DOI: / 2024-05-06 look75 look 0

以区间估计的教学为例,讨论了单个正态总体均值区间估计统计量的 选择问题和单个正态总体方差区间估计分位点的选择问题,提出了在数理统计 课程教学中进行创新性教学的思想和必要性。 Based on the interval estimation and single normal population, the selection of statistics quantile in mean interval estimation was discussed. The problem of variance interval estimation was also studied. The ideas and necessity of innovative education in the teaching of statistics were put forward.



作者: 胡会 / / DOI: / 2024-05-06 look80 look 0

随着经济的高速发展,我国国民生产总值也实现了跨越式增长,社会经济活动是由不同经济因素共同作用的经济关系整体,经济运行结构也已经超出了人脑理解和分析的领域。因此,要分析技术对经济体系的影响,并对其展开深度解读和整合。其中,数据挖掘技术的应用范围最广。本文对数据挖掘技术的内涵和优势进行了集中分析,并有效阐释了数据挖掘技术在经济统计中的应用路径,旨在为研究部门提供更加直观的数据分析结果和技术建议。 With the rapid development of economy, China's gross national product has also achieved leapfrog growth. Social and economic activities are the whole of economic relations affected by different economic factors, and the economic operation structure has gone beyond the field of human brain understanding and analysis. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the impact of technology on the economic system, and carry out in-depth interpretation and integration. Among them, data mining technology is the most widely used. This paper focuses on the connotation and advantages of data mining technology, and effectively explains the application path of data mining technology in economic statistics, aiming to provide more intuitive data analysis results and technical suggestions for research departments.



作者: 江璐 / / DOI: / 2024-05-06 look54 look 0

统计指数是经济分析中的常用工具,主要应用在经济评价、物价变化中,经过了多年的发展,已经从简单的领域扩展到了经济和自然科学的研究。目前,国内外大量的学者针对统计指数的问题进行了深入的研究,也取得了一定的成果,关于统计指数这一工具,已经在各个行业中得到了推广,发挥着重要的作用,该文主要针对统计指数工具的应用展开分析。 Statistical index is a common tool in economic analysis. It is mainly used in economic evaluation and price changes. After years of development, it has expanded from simple field to economic and natural science research. At present, a large number of scholars at home and abroad have carried out in-depth research on the problem of statistical index, and have achieved certain results. As for the tool of statistical index, it has been promoted in various industries and plays an important role. This paper mainly analyzes the application of statistical index tool.



作者: 陈慧 / / DOI: / 2024-05-06 look61 look 0

科学、合理的调查体系设计是保障各项调查工作顺利开展并保证调查数据质量的前提。当前大数据时代的来临,客观上要求我们在统计调查体系方面进行相应改革,以充分挖掘大数据在政府统计中的利用潜力。文章从思想意识、思维方式、工作作风、调查方法、调查手段、调查内容、调查项目、调查指标以及数据发布与后续分析等内外多角度对中国政府统计调查体系提出一系列改革设想。这套体系通过解决现行调查体系存在的各类问题,将传统的调查方法与新式的电子化记录数据结合起来,整合利用各类大数据资源,目标是更加准确、及时、全面和连续地产生各类宏观时间序列数据和微观纵向数据,以此推进中国统计管理体制的改革与发展。 Scientific and reasonable survey system design is the premise to ensure the smooth development of various investigation work and the quality of survey data. The advent of the era of big data objectively requires us to carry out corresponding reform in the statistical investigation system, so as to fully tap the potential of big data in government statistics. This paper puts forward a series of reform ideas for China's government statistical survey system from the perspectives of ideology, mode of thinking, work style, survey methods, survey means, survey content, survey items, survey indicators, data release and follow-up analysis. This system solves all kinds of problems existing in the current survey system, combines the traditional survey methods with the new electronic recording data, integrates and utilizes all kinds of big data resources. The goal is to produce all kinds of macro time series data and micro vertical data more accurately, timely, comprehensively and continuously, so as to promote the reform and development of China's statistical management system.



作者: 黄玉 / / DOI: / 2024-04-26 look69 look 5

随着我国经济发展逐渐步入了新的时代,国内的经济市场的体制也得到了进一步的完善,这不单为我国统计学领域的后续发展提供了机遇,也带来了严峻的挑战。下文当中将主要针对我国经济统计的应用意义、在经济建设环节中的应用概况以及其发展的历程等方面进行分析与探讨,进而促使经济统计在经济建设活动中的重要作用能够更好的体现出来,并确立今后的相关课题研究重点。 As China's economic development has gradually entered a new era, the domestic economic market system has been further improved, which not only provides opportunities for the follow-up development of China's statistical field, but also brings severe challenges. The following will mainly focus on the significance of China's economic statistics, the application of economic construction and its development process and other aspects of the analysis and discussion, so as to promote the important role of economic statistics in economic construction activities can be better reflected, and establish the future research focus of related topics.
